

Helen Rowland once said "You will never win if you never begin."  I have never heard of Helen Rowland, and, honestly, this quote sounds like it was plagiarized from Dr. Seuss.  Regardless, it came up when I googled "quotes about beginning", and since I like to "win", I decided to "begin"  my blog with it.   This will be the place for me to talk about things I like and dislike, and hopefully show you a little about me in the process. My plan for right now (I decided to create this thing about 7 hours ago) is to divide my posts up into different segments, kind of like The Colbert Report.  I want to post a few times a week, so check back often (if you check at all).  This is a work in progress, of course, but here is what I have so far in terms of categories.
  • Over/Under- a discussion about something that I see as overrated or underrated.
  • Geniuses- a profile on someone, usually multitalented, whose work I look upon with great respect
  • I Liked It- a review and rating of something I liked
  • I Didn't Like It- a review and rating of something I disliked
  • Listen To This- new music, old music, good music. I'll post it all.
  • Storytime- a random story about something that happened
That's it so far.  I know, that's a pretty weak little list, but I'm still throwing ideas around. If any of my 3 current followers (Bolens, I'm counting you twice) have any other good ones, please let me know.  I'm pretty sure my readership will be small and won't read often, but it's cool.  This is gonna be fun.  I'll leave you with a quote: “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” Think about it.

Helen Rowland. Author of A Guide To Men: Being Encore Reflections of a Bachelor Girl, and If, A Chant for Wives: The White Woman's Burden. Wow, if I was a early 20th century feminist, those books would sound sweet!!

1 comment:

mcmb03 said...

hahah, i like it. keep it up