
History Lesson: Major Tom (Coming Home)

The spacing, timing, and content of these segments will be completely random and unpredictable (if you are a new reader or have forgotten, this segment deals with older songs which I enjoy).  Most of the time, I will hear something somewhere which will remind me of an older song, prompting a post like this one.  In this case, I was inspired by a Lincoln MKZ commercial featuring a cover of tonight's song, Major Tom (Coming Home) by Peter Schilling, which I am sure all of you have heard at least once in your lives.  The haunting verses, backed by pounding drums and and a nice synth riff, give way to a simple unforgettable melody in the chorus.  I haven't heard this song since I was very young, but I still recognized the chorus immediately.  Don't forget to rate and comment.

 Major Tom (Coming Home)
Peter Schilling
Error in the System (1983)

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