
History Lesson: Rain Is Falling

I was listening to this song today when I realized that I have only really been posting new hip hop music, which gives you readers an inaccurate picture of who I am.  Yes, I enjoy certain types of hip hop a great deal, but there is more to my music taste than that.  In these next 6 incredibly busy weeks, I would like to keep posting and introducing new music, but in the form of music that is (hopefully) new to you instead of brand-new music (follower Peter suggested that I call these sections History Lesson, which is a fantastic idead).  This way I have less work and hopefully you find another song or two you really enjoy.  Today's song is from Electric Light Orchestra, an innovative symphonic British rock band from the 70's.  I like to think of them as a combination of The Beatles and Daft Punk.  You have probably heard Mr. Blue Sky or Hold On Tight, so I decided to delve a little deeper into their catalog and found this, a brilliantly conceived, brilliantly performed ballad. There will not be download links, but I will include track info so you can hit up iTunes or any other legal or less than legal source for the song.

 Rain Is Falling
Electric Light Orchestra
Time (1981)

1 comment:

Mike Napoli's Forearm Tattoo said...

An idea for this wonderful blog, you should call the segments with anything past related "History Lesson." As a huge fan of 60s and 70s music, this is nice post is nice to see. Keep up the good work!!