
Something I Made: 99 Pants

Here is a new segment, Something I Made, which is, of course, exactly what it sounds like. I don't know how interested you guys will be in this kind of stuff, but I'm the boss so I'm gonna post it anyways.  This is an almost embarrassingly simple mash-up combining the legendary American Idol audition video of General Larry Platt with the instrumental from Jay-Z's 99 Problems.  Keep in mind, this is my first mash-up ever, and it was more of a test to see if I could even get 20 seconds of decent mashup. I tried to do some cooler stuff with it but everything ended up sounding a lot worse on the computer than it did in my head, so I just kept it simple.  The next step is to create a full length mashup song or a mix like those of Milkman or Super Mash Bro's.  Enjoy, and if you for some unexplainable reason want an mp3 copy let me know so I can put it up on Mediafire.

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