
History Lesson: Hallelujah

I'm pretty sure everyone has already heard this song, so I'm not gonna act like it's anything new.  I'm just using the opening ceremonies as an excuse to post one of my favorite songs of all time.  Orignally by Leonard Cohen, the song Hallelujah has been covered countless times, most recently by k.d. lang at the aforementioned opening ceremonies.  You may know it as "that song from Shrek".  My favorite version, however, definitely would have to be Jeff Buckley's haunting, emotional, and beautiful masterpiece of a cover.  Enjoy.

Jeff Buckley
Grace (1994)

BONUS: This post kind of had to do with the Olympics, and so does this awesome new Nike commercial (the song is Ali in the Jungle by The Hours).

Also, this is my 69th post...ladies (shout out to winkdaddy.blogspot.com)


Wink Daddy said...

You've got to review his entire (first) album. Plus, his Live at Sin-e rocks my world/socks. The album that came out after he died has some good songs too, but it needs just a little more fine-tuning. I don't know why he doesn't just finish working on the songs already...Maybe because he died, but I'm not one to make excuses. He needs to suck it up and polish the album. Dead my ass. Jesus came back to life, didn't he?

Mike Napoli's Forearm Tattoo said...

Once again an insane Nike commercial. Nike's best commercial is by far Guy Ritchie's (Sherlock Holmes, Snatch) commercial for Nike Soccer
