
Hype: Iron Man 2

I freakin' love trailers.  The way filmmakers edit footage together to create intense 2 minute clips is something I really enjoy and sometimes the trailers are even better than the movie (cough..Jumper).  So yeah, the Hype section is where trailers for movies, games, TV shows, and anything else will go.  And what better way to start than possibly the movie that I am most anticipating: Iron Man 2.  This trailer is legit, and I have no doubts that the sequel will be as good as or better than the first one.  On a semi-related note, the Academy was spot on in every category last night (possibly the first time in award show history?).

BONUS: Raaaaaaandy Declares War On Justin Bieber

1 comment:

Wink Daddy said...

I am sexually attracted to Robert Downey Jr.