
I Liked It: First Contact: Or, It's Later Than You Think

For me, the true mark of a truly spectacular book is not that I can't put it down- that happens to me with a lot of books. What really distinguishes a book is that my first impulse upon finishing is to pick it up and start it all over again.  First Contact: Or, It's Later Than You Think by Evan Mandery is one such book.  Mandery writes with the easy humor of Vonnegut or Adams, taking the reader through a surreal, hilarious encounter with aliens.  Philosophical yet hilarious, satiric yet optimistic, First Contact had me laughing from the first paragraph all the way through the acknowledgements.  I strongly recommend this novel to anyone who appreciates intelligent humor and good writing. Hit me up after you read it and we'll discuss.


Unknown said...

Thank you for this.

I'm always happy to discuss the book or anything else if your followers are so inclined.

Tanner said...

Thank you for writing such a fantastic piece of literature. Would you be willing to be interviewed for the blog?

Unknown said...

Happily. Email me at ejmandery@gmail.com and we'll set it up.

Wink Daddy said...

About time you got around to book reviews. I'll definitely check this out. Also, insanely cool that the author agreed to an interview.