
Something I Like: Chicago

Today we have a really amazing, semi-old song from Sufjan Stevens.  This song really worries me because it's from 2005. 2005? Really? I slept on this for five years?  And what's worse is that it's not like I hadn't heard of him, I had just heard the name and chosen to ignore it.  If I hadn't downloaded Chiddy Bang and listened to the song which samples this one, I would never have listened to Stevens or this song.  I think it's a cause for concern because who knows how much other amazing music I've missed out on by ignoring recommendations or judging artists based on their names.  I guess for now all I can do is keep exploring.  Anyway, this is an incredible song written, performed, and produced by Sufjan Stevens.  The incredibly composed instrumentals blend perfectly with Stevens' relaxed vocals.  Don't be like me and make the mistake of ignoring this song.


Wink Daddy said...

That's what I love. You literally cannot run out of good music to listen to. Just like how you can never not find a better cocktail of cocaine. Not that I have any experience with that...

mcmb03 said...

nice song